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A cross-industry women’s network



Through building a cross-industry women’s network in Portsmouth, Platform aims to give women from all backgrounds a platform to share ideas, inspiration, support and expertise. In turn, Platform will strengthen women’s standing in the city.

The Issue

There are so many talented women in Portsmouth, doing amazing work and leading in their fields, but it can be hard to find other women to connect with and share best practice from.

The Need

There is a gap in the way of networking for local women. There are women’s business forums, but there isn’t a network that bridges different industries and there’s a lack of opportunities to draw on the excellent talent, experiences and know-how that exists within our community.


The Solution

A cross-industry women’s network for Portsmouth: Platform!

The name 'Platform' came from wanting to give a platform to women from different backgrounds and areas to share their stories, best practice and just mingle, get to know one another and support each other. And, in the process, build up sisterly solidarity in Portsmouth and raise our/work/project profiles.


Platform Events

Events will be held quarterly and each Co-Founder will take a lead on organising each session.

Network events will be themed, where each session looks at a different area so we can learn from each other's successes. For example, one session could be on how to build up a successful social media profile, or how to set up a business or charity.

Every event will have an equal amount of time for socialising too - so we can get to know each other essentially 50:50 sharing and learning to networking.

The name 'Platform' came from wanting to give a platform to women from different backgrounds and areas to share their stories.

Book your tickets for our latest event now.